IIT Publications Search

Roselli C., Wykowska A.
Artificial agents as tools to explore the (human) Self
European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN)
Abstract Report Conference
Roselli C., Marchesi S., Russi N.S., De Tommaso D., Wykowska A.
A Study on Social Inclusion of Humanoid Robots: A Novel Embodied Adaptation of the Cyberball Paradigm
International Journal of Social Robotics, vol. 16, (no. 4), pp. 671-686
Ciupinska K., Marchesi S., Abbo G. A., Belpaeme T., Wykowska A.
AwarePrompt: Using Diffusion Models to Create Methods for Measuring Value-Aware AI Architectures.
16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3, pp. 1436 - 1443
Marchesi S., Spatola N., Wykowska A.
Delineation and operationalization of the concept of the Intentional Stance
Intentional Stance Towards Humanoid Robots, Publisher: Springer Cham
Book Chapter Book
O'Reilly Z., Roselli C., Wykowska A.
Does exposure to technological knowledge modulate the adoption of the intentional stance towards humanoid robots in children?
PsyArXiv Preprints
DOI 10.31234/osf.io/cfg4k Article E-print Archive
Kompatsiari K., Ciardo F., Wykowska A.
Embodiment matters when establishing eye contact with a robot
Interaction Studies
Article in Press Journal
Marchesi S., Spatola N.
Factors influencing the adoption of the Intentional Stance - Culture
Intentional Stance Towards Humanoid Robots, Publisher: Springer Cham
Book Chapter Book
Roselli C., Marchesi S., Spatola N., Ghiglino D., Navare U., Bossi F.
Factors influencing the adoption of the Intentional Stance – the Human Observer
Intentional Stance Towards Humanoid Robots, Publisher: Springer Cham
Book Chapter Book
Abubshait A., Belkaid M., Kompatsiari K., Navare U., Perez-Osorio J.
Factors influencing the adoption of the Intentional Stance - the Interaction
Intentional Stance Towards Humanoid Robots, Publisher: Springer Cham
Book Chapter Book
Ghiglino D., Parenti L., Abubshait A.
Factors influencing the adoption of the Intentional Stance - the Robot
Intentional Stance Towards Humanoid Robots, Publisher: Springer Cham
Book Chapter Book
Wykowska A.
Final remarks on the Intentional Stance towards humanoid robots
Intentional Stance Towards Humanoid Robots, Publisher: Springer Cham
Book Chapter Book
Ciupinska K. A., De Tommaso D., Wykowska A.
From labs to living rooms: Evaluating humans’ perception of value-laden decisions made by humanoid robot
OSF Preprints
DOI 10.31219/osf.io/6asb7 Article E-print Archive
Marchesi S., Wykowska A.
How do we approach robots: anthropomorphism, the intentional stance, cultural norms and values, and societal implications
The De Gruyter Handbook of Robots in Society and Culture
DOI 10.1515/9783110792270-004 Book Chapter Book
Parenti L., O'Reilly Z., Ghiglino D., Belkaid M., Wykowska A.
How preference towards robotic agents affects choice accuracy in children with autism spectrum disorder
12th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction
Article Conference
Ciardo F., De Tommaso D., Maksevicius R., Keller P., Wykowska A.
Human-likeness in sensorimotor synchronization parameters facilitates coordination and shared agency perception in HRI
European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN)
Abstract Report Conference