IIT People Search

Research center

I am a post-doctoral researcher currently working on robotic manipulation and 3D vision for cultural heritage applications. During my PhD, I focused on 3D object localization using multi-view techniques for augmented reality applications and 3D object detection through intelligent multi-sensor fusion, such as LiDAR-Camera integration, targeting autonomous driving applications. Currently, I am advancing the 3D reconstruction of cultural heritage artifacts using state-of-the-art deep learning models, alongside developing robot motion planning and low level control.


Title: PhD in Computational Vision, Automatic Recognition and Learning
Institute: Università Degli Studi di Genova
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2020 To: 2023

Title: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Institute: Information Technology University
Location: Lahore
Country: Pakistan
From: 2017 To: 2019


Title: ICVSS 2023 - International Computer Vision Summer School, Sicily, Italy
Description: null
Date: 15-07-2023

Title: Vision and Sports Summer School 2022
Description: null
Date: 30-07-2022

Title: VISUM Summer School 2021
Description: null
Date: 09-07-2021

Title: OxML: Oxford Machine Learning Summer School 2020
Description: null
Date: 25-08-2020

Title: Eastern Machine Learning Summer School 2020
Description: null
Date: 15-07-2020

All Publications
Ahmad J., Frascella S., Dassiè F., Lahoud MG., Marchello G., Cannella F., Traviglia A.
AAPOE: Automated Artifacts Position and Orientation Estimation in Cultural Heritage
IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA), pp. 1-7
Conference Paper Conference
Ahmad J.
Multimodal 3D Scene Perception
PhD Thesis Book
Ahmad J., Del Bue A.
mmFUSION: Multimodal fusion for 3D objects detection
Article E-print Archive
Castro E., Rebelo A., RioTorto I., Capozzi L., Ferreira M.F., Goncalves T., Ahmad J., Daoudi N., Beco S., Ferreira P.M., Moreira G.
Fill in the Blank for Fashion Complementary Outfit Product Retrieval: VISUM Summer School Competition
Journal on Machine Vision and Applications, vol. 34, (no. 1), pp. 1-15
Article Journal
Ahmad J., Toso M., Taiana M., James S., Del Bue A.
Multi-view 3D Objects Localization from Street-Level Scenes
21st International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), vol. 13232, pp. 89-101
Conference Paper Conference
Awards and Achievements
Ahmad J.
VISUM Summer School Project Competition